Saturday, September 16, 2017

Hymns of The Church - Love Lifted Me

"He was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, Lord save me. And immediately Jesus stretched forth His hand…."
(Matthew 14:30-31)

Love Lifted Me is a song which is based on the familiar story of how Peter went to walk on the water, became afraid, began to sink, cried to the Lord to save him, and was lifted out of the water by Jesus. The text was written by James Rowe (1865-1933). One of the most prolific hymn poets of the twentieth century, Rowe was born in England but came to the United States in 1890 and settled at Albany, NY, where he married. After working as a railroad employee for a time, he devoted the rest of his life to literary pursuits and became especially noted for writing song texts. By his own record, he produced more than 19,000 hymns for a number of different composers.

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