Sunday, July 31, 2016

100 Huntley Street - The Miracles of Jesus - Bill and Beth Beck

On June 3, 2014 – At the age of 72, Bill Beck suffered a severe cardiac arrest while playing tennis. An EMS worker at the scene called his wife Bev and told her he was dead. Later another EMS worker did get a faint heartbeat, but Bill’s cardiologist said his condition was very bleak. After 12 days on life support and seemingly no hope for a recovery, the doctors told Bev and the family that they could no longer do anything to improve Bill’s unresponsive condition. Based on Bill’s prior directive to not “live as a vegetable”, the family agreed to pull the plug. The day after the plug was pulled, and funeral arrangements were being made, Bev got a call from the hospital to come right away.

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