Благодать - это дар Божьей любви, это незаслуженная милость Божья!
По мере приезда новых эммигрантов из различных частей бывшего Советского Союза (Казахстан, Белорусия, Россия, Украина, Молдавия, Киргизия, Латвия) церковь пополнялась новыми членами. Кроме общих богослужений стали проводиться регулярные собрания с участием хора, занятия в Воскресной школе, уроки по изучению русского языка среди детей, молодёжные общения и т.д.
Translation to English of the above text.
The church "Grace" was founded in Vancouver (WA) in 1995. Member's first collection numbered 45 people. It was unanimously expressed their desire to be members of the upbuilding of the church, with a simple but voluminous in its meaning name - "Grace".
Grace - a gift of God's love, it's unmerited favor of God!
With the arrival of new immigrants from various parts of the former Soviet Union (Kazakhstan, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia) church and its new members. In addition to general worship services were held regular meetings with the participation of the choir, Sunday school classes, lessons in the Russian language among children, youth and communication, etc.
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