Sunday, February 11, 2018

Lamb and Lion Ministries - Nathan Jones - Will Islam Conquer the World

Will Islam conquer the world? Find out with Nathan Jones of Lamb & Lion Ministries on The Inbox!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It is perplexing that the names of the worse enemies of Israel, such as Iran, Iraq, Egypt, and Aram-Syria are not mentioned in Psalm 83.
The fact that the Assyrians occupied the land of Syria, Iraq or Turkey in ancient time by no means makes them Syrians, Iraqis or Turks of today.
One cannot change the name of the nation under the pretense that another nation in the far removed past conquered and ruled it for some period of time. Otherwise, those who for some reasons substitute it with other nations willingly deny the existence of Assur today and distort the prophecy.
Assur is identified in prophecies as the country of the north (Jeremiah 6:22) who will attack Israel in the future and be terribly punished by God (Isaiah 10: 5-6, 24-25; Daniel 11:45; Nahum 1:14; 3-all). Alex Zephyr