Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Personal Testimony - I Am Second - Ben King

Professional cyclist and Tour de France rider, Ben King, beat his body into submission. Four-a-day trainings, top level races, and a diet mastered to the cellular level. But there was a price to pay for winning multiple national championships and gaining a prestigious spot on the Dimension Data professional cycling team. For Ben, the price was his emotional and spiritual health. He found himself spitting blood into the sink, the byproduct of an eating disorder that’d spun out of control. Obsessed with climbing the ranks in the cycling world, he sacrificed all to master his body. Control was all he wanted, but it was the one thing he’d lost.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have such an amazing testimony of how God led me to this page! Let me just say, God is working! And still speaks if we are just listening! Thanks for sharing, and God bless you all is my hope and prayers.
Never give up, and Never give in! Jesus is The Answer! Amen