Sunday, October 23, 2016

Rep. Trey Gowdy - Liberty University - Put Your Beliefs Into Action

Citing 2 Chronicles 7:14, Gowdy explained that for our nation to prosper, its people need to humble themselves, seek God’s face, pray, and reform. This begins with believers.

He told students that if they want a better future than the current state of the nation, they need to decide what they believe and learn how to defend their views, so that others will be more receptive to their beliefs.

Gowdy cautioned students that if they want people to believe what they believe, they should not insult others’ belief systems or act like a hypocrite.

“Insulting people does not work if your objective is to persuade them,” he said. “When a person is insulted, they become even more dogmatic in holding their incorrect belief. If you are going to say that the Lord called you to go into politics, then you need to act like it. If you are not going to act like it, then you need to take His name out of the equation.”

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