Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Testimonies of God's Grace - Teen Challenge - Teen Challenge Keeps Changing Lives

As you know, Jeri and I are graduates of Teen Challenge, the most successful drug rehabilitation program in the world founded by the late David Wilkerson. We stay actively involved in this ministry. There is a Teen Challenge program from Azle, Texas that visits our church regularly. You can find their information at the end of this video.

We want to give you more information to help anyone who is struggling with live-controlling problems. My son, Ryan Hill, works with the Teen Challenge programs in the New England area. He has prepared a short testimonial video to help others understand the effectiveness of this program. Please watch this inspiring film. At the end, you'll find the National Teen Challenge website should you need more information.

There is hope in Jesus,
Steve and Jeri

Click HERE to view for Teen Challenge USA

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