Not now, anyway; and not in a candid, unscripted role that demolishes the sainted image Hollywood and a sympathetic media have crafted of him. Carhart is supposed to be the “responsible” face of abortion, as opposed to the horrific image recently revealed in the trial of Dr. Kermit “House of Horrors” Gosnell.
A few months ago Carhart was a celebrity at Robert Redford’s 2013 Sundance Film Festival, receiving standing ovations from audiences for his star appearance (as himself) in After Tiller, a documentary that canonizes Carhart and three other abortionists noted for performing late-term, partial-birth abortions. The film has been enthusiastically received at a string of film festivals since its premier in January at Sundance, most recently being showcased at the Maryland Film Festival on May 12.
However, the same Big Media reviewers who lavished acclaim on Carhart and After Tiller are ignoring — so far — a new undercover video that shows the abortionist “hero” making shocking comments to a young woman in her third trimester of pregnancy.
Inhuman: Undercover in America's Late-Term Abortion Industry – Carhart is the latest in a series of undercover videos produced by Lila Rose and her Live Action News
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