Remember: In the beginning, everything either came from the Personal or the impersonal (forces). The first great division of mankind is between revealed theism (to Adam and his descendants) and over time the downgrade to idolatry.
The second great division is between the distortions of theism and worshiping the creation (idolatry): pantheism and atheism are fundamental forms of idolatry that exalt chance and impersonal forces as causal agents (forces created all). But no thing causes itself and the laws of the cosmos can't be the cause of the laws of the cosmos.
Moreover, Yeshua accredits Adam. First, truth is knowable. Second, the opposite of true is false ("The harder you try to clobber the law of non-contradiction the more it clobbers you."- Ravi). Third, theism is true. The holiness of the personal God is the Law above the laws: Oliver Buswell: "If anything does now exist, then either something must be eternal, or something not eternal must have come from nothing." The Argument then proceeds to show that it is more reasonable to believe that something is eternal; and that among the many hypotheses of eternal existence, the God of the Bible is the most reasonable, the most probable eternal being."
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