Saturday, May 18, 2013

Christian Music Concerts - MorningStar Holy Spirit Breakout

David Olinger leads the worship set for Day 7 of the Holy Spirit Breakout at MorningStar Fellowship Church in Fort Mill, SC. Along with Molly Skaggs and Leonard Jones.

"Hope that doesn’t disappoint, love that doesn’t fail, joy that doesn’t fade; I believe that all of these things are found in the Person of Jesus Christ. The desire of my heart is that every person that listens to my music would be filled with a sense of hope, experience God the Father’s love, and be drawn into the beauty of Christ. This is what I sing about. This is the reason I play music.

My name is David Olinger. I’m a songwriter and musician from Winston Salem, NC. I moved to North Carolina in 2008 to become a part of a church plant called Awake Church. It’s been a perfect fit. Currently, I’m leading worship there, and also pastoring the 18-30’s college ministry. Originally from Pennsylvania, I will always be a “Northerner” at heart. Although, I prefer the food and music of the South.

I’ve been writing songs and playing music for the past 15 years. I’ve found that songwriting is my way of journaling. The music that I write is, simply, my dialogue with the Lord put to melody. My prayer is that these musical journal entries would ignite hope inside of every person that listens, and that they would hear the voice of their loving Father over every other voice. They would hear Him singing His love song over their life."
David Olinger

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