Griswold is one of dozens of "retired" Assemblies of God pastors who provide living proof that ministry doesn't end at 65 — or 75 or even 85, for that matter. Griswold pastored seven churches in Iowa, Missouri and Illinois in 42 years. He also has been a traveling evangelist, and he received his 50-year ordination recognition from the Fellowship in 2000. During the 1940s, he began his ministry career as pianist for the Blackwood Brothers Quartet. Today he is busier than ever.
Most Mondays through Saturdays, Griswold is in his unadorned office in Springfield for his Inspiration Time broadcasts. He has been a widower since 2001 when his wife, Marie, died unexpectedly of a heart attack after 61 years of marriage. Griswold still wears a suit, tie and dress shoes to the office, which is stacked with papers, letters and tape duplicating equipment.
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